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Bear Enclosure

The most beloved furry friends!

Bear Enclosure features a variety of bear species such as the Ussuri brown bear, also known as the Ezo bear, one of Hokkaido's most iconic wildlife; the European brown bear, one of the most common subspecies of the brown bear, that hibernate from around November to April in hollow trees and rock crevices; the Asian black bear, a medium-sized bear species native to Asia,
largely nocturnal and sleeping Enzo in hollow trees and rock crevices during the day, and the Malaysian sun bear, the smallest tree-loving species.

Bear Enclosure is home to six out of eight bear species living on the planet, including the Asian black bear, which is designated as the Korean Natural Monument No. 329. Bears are omnivorous creatures that are normally shy and retiring, but they can act aggressively when threatened.

#European Brown Bear #Ussuri Brown Bear #American Black Bear #Asian Black Bear #Malaysian Sun Bear #Leopard Cat

Animal Cage Information

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Bear Enclosure