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The 1st African Pavilion

Giraffes and their friends in the

The Africa Hall I is where the wild life in the African savannah comes to life.
Of mammals, the tallest creature giraffe, the Gemsbock, or a large and handsome antelope with long horns, the Grant’s Zebra, smaller than other zebras but one of the most striking African hoofstock. the Black-tailed Prairie Dog, an agile ground squirrel, and the small Fennec Fox native to Sahara Desert, appearing the French novella “The Little Prince,” among other herbivorous animals.

The theme of 1st African Pavilion is “African giraffes and their friends” which include zebras, ostriches, gemsbocks, antelopes, etc. The hall comprises of exhibition hall, sleeping quarter, and birthing room. The wild life setting where animals can freely roam around is styled after a picturesque scene of the African savannah. The indoor exhibition hall of the 1st African Pavilion is designed to promote the importance of animal specimen.

#Giraffe #Grant’s Zebra #Gemsbock #Ostrich #Fennec Fox #Black-tailed Prairie Dog

Introduciton to Animal Halls

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1st African Pavilion