Seoul Grand Park Seoul Grand Park

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Seoul Zoo

Botanical Garden

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Start the Tour at the Main Entrance of Seoul Zoo

Drag your mouse to see the map.

1. General Information Center →  2. Ride Elephant Train/Skye Lift →  3. Main Entrance of Zoo →  4. Ape Pavilion →  5. Botanical Garden →  6. Carnivore Enclosure →  7. South American Pavilion →  8. Tropical Birds Hall →  9. Large Herbivores Pavilion →  10. 1st African Pavilion →  11. Main Entrance of Zoo

Course in Operation

General Information Center - Elephant Train/Sky Lift - Main Entrance of Zoo - Ape Pavilion - Green House Garden - Carnivore Enclosure - South America Hall - Tropical Birds Hall - Large Herbivores Pavilion - 1st African Pavilion - Main Entrance of Zoo

Enjoy the zoo from top to down

Drag your mouth to see the map!

1. General Information Center →  2. Ride Sky Lift →  3. Sky Lift Final Stop →  4. Carnivore Enclosure →  5. South American Pavilion →  6. Tropical Birds Hal →  7. Large Herbivores Pavilion→  8. Botanical Garden →  9. Ape Pavilion →  10. 1st African Pavilion →  11. Main Entrance of Zoo

Course in Operation

General Information Center - Elephant Train/Sky Lift - Main Entrance of Zoo - Ape Pavilion - Green House Garden - Carnivore Enclosure - South America Hall - Tropical Birds Hall - Large Herbivores Pavilion - 1st African Pavilion - Main Entrance of Zoo