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What is the Companion Fund?

Fund created for the purpose of conserving and restoring biological species in Seoul Grand Park, improving the habitat environment for living organisms, promoting the welfare of living organisms, and providing education, convenience, and happy animals to visitors.


Purpose of the companion fund

Conservation of species of endangered and native animals

Where nature, animals and humans harmonize

Where animals and plants are more centered than human beings

Where everyone becomes healthy and happy

Animal protection and cooperation in international activities


Fundraising for the companionship started
from the release of Jedori to the wild.
Mar 12, 2012

The Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan City held a press conference to announce the wild release of Dolphin Jedori.

Apr 06, 2012

The dolphin performance was stopped and Jedori was released to the wild.

Mar 12, 2012

Signed an agreement to promote the welfare of animals and plants and our future generations.

Oct 15, 2012

Companion Fund Raising Declaration ceremony


Companion Fund Promotion Case

Drag your mouse to see the map.

동행기금 내 동행기금 추진 사례

Sponsorship inquiry

Natural Environment National Trust


(Non-profit special corporation,