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Birds of Prey Enclosure

The birds of beauty and majesty of in the sky

Birds of Prey Enclosure is home to the rare Threatened Species among birds of prey, such as the Andean condor, the largest flying bird in the world that fly dozens of miles a day in search of food; the common buzzard, a medium-to-large bird of prey, seen hovering high above in a V shape; the Eurasian eagle-owl, a large and heavy bird of prey with distinctive ear tufts, unlike the wood owl, and the Bateleur, a medium-sized eagle that hunts small animals and eat carrion

At the top of food chain, predatory birds are relatively small in their number and rare due to environmental pollution and poaching. These carnivorous animals are skillful hunters that use large feet and sharp talons.

#Tawny Owl #Eagle-owl #Andean Condor #Harris’s Hawk #Bateleur #Eastern Buzzard #White-tailed Sea Eagle #Cinereous vulture #Kestrel #Northern Goshawk

Animal Cage Information

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Birds of Prey Enclosure