Seoul Grand Park Seoul Grand Park

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3,798 plants of a total of 44 species growing in southern Korea are on display

There are 3,798 trees/items of 44 species, including Chinese holly, Photinia glabra, Common Camellia, camphor tree, Japanese Pittosporum, Machilus, Cape-jasmine, which are growing in the southern part of Korea, on display in the Hall.
* Signed an MOU with Wando Arboretum on September 12, 2016, on the establishment of the Warm Temperature Pavilion.

열대2관 - 동백나무 이미지

Common Camellia

열대2관 - 동백나무2 이미지

Common Camellia2

열대2관 - 호랑가시 이미지

Chinese holly

열대2관 - 홍가시 이미지

Photinia glabra

Guide map of Warm Temperature Pavilion

Drag your mouth to see the map!

Warm Temperature  Pavilion