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Plants and their surroundings are on display

Plant Environment Exhibition Room displays content regarding the environment surrounding the plants, including biomes, ecosystems, climate zones, and plant habitats.

식물 표본관 역사 이미지


Explanations given by the German meteorologist, Wladimir Koppen

pertaining to tropical rain forests, grasslands, deserts, temperate forests, northern coniferous forests, tundras, and animal specimens, are on exhibition as well.


The animal specimens displayed

includes jaguars and otters that live in both temperate and tropical climates, as well as grasslands, with a total of 23 species. The fossil area includes eight large species and 16 small species, with a total of 48 species on display, as well as Petrified Wood, Fern Fossils, and Chestnut Tree Fossils.

식물 표본관 현황 이미지
식물 표본관 역사 이미지


The Coexisting with Plants and Animals Zone

is a place sharing stories about symbiotic plants and animals, while the Earth’s Tears Zone contains descriptions about changes in the plant environment caused by global warming.


Finally, the Protect Plants Zone

shows visitors all the seemingly small ways people can have impact on the protection of plant life.

식물 표본관 현황 이미지