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Seoul Zoo

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AZA certification and international
conservation cooperation

The AZA certification is an international certification system that evaluates the overall excellence of zoo operations such as animal welfare, conservation research, ecological education, breeding, and safety management. ※ AZA : Association of Zoos and Aquariums


Obtained on September 7, 2019

Seoul Zoo was certified on September 7, 2019, and only 240 zoos and aquariums worldwide have been certified and must be re-evaluated every 5 years and renewed. After being certified, the Seoul Zoo held an international seminar and a research workshop for species conservation inviting the President of AZA and held a seminar inviting the head of the Environmental Conservation Bureau and related officials of the Malaysian government to preserve the orangutan, an international endangered species.


Seoul Zoo, a leading domestic zoo

In addition, it has joined international animal-related associations such as the World Zoo and Aquarium Association (WAZA), Southeast Asian Zoo and Aquarium Association (SEAZA), and Zoo Educators Association (IZE). It also plays the role of leading domestic zoos as the chairman organization of the Korea Zoo and Aquarium Association (KAZA).



Seoul Zoo is striving to enhance the international status of Seoul Zoo by promoting active international exchanges, including providing funds for endangered animals such as the Amur Leopard, Tiger Conservation Fund (WCA), Asian Elephant Conservation Fund (IEF), etc., as well as continuing to promote the supply and demand of animals to secure and preserve genetic diversity.