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Two-week "pause" campaign with Seoul Grand Park
  • Registration Date2020.03.27
  • Hits1077

Two-week "pause" campaign with Seoul Grand Park

Please control visits to Seoul Grand Park in order to stop the spread of Corona-19.

Participate in the two-week pause campaign to maintain social distance. 

[  Citizen action rules for "pause" campaign  ]

Postpone or cancellation of gathering | Keeping a social distance (2m) | Compliance with personal sanitation

Self-control of unnecessary going-out | Daily sterilization & ventilation


Currently, part of the facilities (indoor exhibition hall) are closed temporarily.

Closed facilities: Indoor exhibition hall of the Zoo, Greenhouse Botanical Garden (greenhouse exhibition, pavilion of Plants Specimen), Seoul Grand Park Baseball Field
Closed period: Feb. 25, 2020 ~ Until the downgrading of the Red level